NewsEGNATON-Forum 2021

Lecture “Contradiction between individuality and standardization”

Markus Hammes will be holding a lecture on Monday, February 15th in the VIRTUAL EGNATON-FORUM 2021 from 16.00 focusing on the Subject “Contradiction between individuality and standardization”


There is a lot of talk in architecture about individual, specific solutions, unique designs and independent identity. At the same time, however, the standardization and rationalization of building, modularity and architecture as a product are being intensively propagated, not least through new methods in planning and construction –  just think of BIM, robotics, 3D printing.


This is reason enough to give some thought to which parts of the entire process are actually affected by these issues and whether they are indeed purely opposites or whether they could also be useful complements.

Markus Hammes

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