Today, the Center for Applied Quantum Technology (ZAQuant) is handed over to the University of Stuttgart on the Vaihingen campus. The prototypical new building provides excellent conditions for cutting-edge research and teaching. The beating heart of the ZAQuant are the four high-precision measuring rooms in the central hall. With the greatest possible shielding from micro-seismic vibration and low-frequency magnetic fields, the 10-metre-high laboratory boxes provide a research environment that is without equal worldwide.
The new building convinced the Leibniz Prize winner to stay. University rector Wolfram Ressel proudly points to the reason for the new ZAQuant building. It was the only way to convince Jörg Wrachtrup not to accept his call to the TU Munich. (…) The result, says Wrachtrup, is “an unusually transparent building – we believe that communication is highly relevant in science”.