Project SheetEvolution of a modern campus

CeTEB, Kiel University

Evolutionary biological processes lie at the heart of many current problems, e. g. the resistance of pathogens or the spreading of diseases in food production. In the new CeTEB building (Center for Fundamental Research in Translational Evolutionary Biology) in Kiel researchers will exchange, examine and develop innovative evolutionary-biological concepts. CeTEB has special expertise in the fields of evolutionary biology and medicine and will provide a shared workspace for researchers from several institutes of Kiel’s Christian-Albrechts-Universität, external institutions and implementers from the industries. At the same time, it will be the starting point for the enlargement of the campus by its position at the future central square.

» The scientific work lies at the core – architecturally underlined by the glass-roofed atrium, the central lobby spaces and the various insights and views into the laboratory clusters. «
From the architects' report

The new four-storey research building comprises a lab area and an atrium, lying parallel to each other. Each storey consists of two lab clusters of ca. 400 m², complemented by offices, functional spaces and a documentation zone. This zone stretches along a central, continuous glazing between the lab areas and the atrium. Generous internal glazing, the façades and the glass roof above the atrium allow views in several directions, and also to make sustainable use of the daylight.

  • Unlike the laboratory clusters, which are identical in every storey, the atrium consists of areas of varied expression. The spaces allow individualization, working in groups and with external visitors. The flight of stairs on the entrance level, which turns into a spiral staircase in the storeys above, also encourage informal, spontaneous encounters.

  • Parts of the façades will carry flowering climbers, passing the eaves. Recessed behind them sits a technical storey, which prevents the building from dominating too heavily the future new campus square.


CeTEB, Kiel University

  • Olshausenstraße 76
  • 24118 Kiel
  • Deutschland

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