NewsArchitecture that Shows Consideration

Architekturbühne Pauline 51

On 22 September, our colleague Astrid Karr was invited to give a keynote lecture entitled “Building with trust, creating spaces with people” at the Pauline 51 Architekturbühne in Stuttgart as part of the theme night “Architektur die Rücksicht nimmt” (Architecture that Shows Consideration).

Asking initial questions is essential. You have to enter into a conversation with each other so that the best possible situational result is achieved. However, this also requires courage to get involved. The courage to take criticism, to transform and to incorporate it. […] Designing spaces WITH people is essential, because this is how spaces can become the answers to the needs of their users. Credo: When spaces are answers, questions become essential. All impulses are a gift!

Astrid Karr

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