Project SheetPropelling World-Class Research

CFEL Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Hamburg

Project Panel

The brief asked for nothing less than to spur on our cutting-edge research here at the CFEL and move it to unknown dimensions!

Prof. Dr. Hans Deggendorf, Director CFEL

With the creation of the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science in Hamburg the city has received an international centre for foundational research on and with X-ray lasers. Undertaken by the three independent research bodies, Universität Hamburg, Max Planck Society, and Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY, German Electron Synchrotron), with the aim of developing a building for common use, this has been the first cooperation of the kind.  One primary focus of our project work was to define with the directors in charge how the scientists of the different groups wished to collaborate, which “spirit” the building was going to have, and what kind of architectural structures might best support the various work processes.

» Good architecture seeks to provide scientists with the best possible workspaces and inspiring surroundings. It won’t impose upon them a general image developed in an architectural practice over years. «
Prof. Dr. Jochen R. Schneider (DESY Forschungsdirektor a. D.)

The brief asked for highly equipped laboratories and vibration-free physical measuring rooms as well as offices and conference rooms. The structural-dynamic requirements for spaces in which to work on free-electron lasers are very high so that clustering them on the ground floors made perfect sense for various reasons. Additionally, the experimental work required shielding so that it seemed paramount to unite those scientists with common purposes, and placing theoretical and experimental work in immediately neighbouring spaces.

  • “I find it pleasant if there is some distance between the office and the laboratory so that while going between the two, you have the opportunity to meet others and to address them spontaneously if you like.”

    Prof. Dr. Jochen Schneider (DESY Forschungsdirektor a. D.)

    In order to create a high degree of synergies between the individual research groups most of the spaces are open-plan structures promoting communication processes.

  • “Open-plan structures and various spatial options for communication are proof of a successful science architecture. … For good results in research are directly linked to good science architecture.”

    Prof. Dr. Wilfried Wurth

    Three office floors in the shape of a rotunda, creating diverse spatial relationships, rise above the one-storey ground floor in which the experimental work takes place. Individual offices as well as combined zones, tea kitchens and meeting rooms are distributed throughout the atrium spaces. The central atrium promotes informal communication and knowledge transfer, connecting the different functional areas across four levels.

  • “The many possibilities offered to meet and discuss are also very valuable to us.”

    Im Erdgeschoss sind alle experimentellen Nutzungen, die Seminarräume und die Cafeteria um die lichte Eingangshalle und zwei zentrale Gartenhöfe angeordnet.

» Das attraktive Gebäude und das von ihm ausgestrahlte Ambiente ist ein großes Plus bei der Anwerbung von neuen Mitarbeitern, insbesondere auch von Studenten. «

Das Erdgeschoss mit Labornutzung und die darüber liegenden Bürogeschosse werden formal und thematisch unterschiedlich behandelt. Die Formgebung und das äußere Erscheinungsbild folgen dabei den unterschiedlichen Funktionen Labor und Büro. Thematisch bildet das Sockelgeschoss eine massive und geschlossene Basis für den runden Bürokörper. Die Abgeschlossenheit und Solidität des Sockels werden durch die nahezu fensterlose Struktur und eine Außenwandbekleidung mit schmalformatigen Klinkersteinen unterstrichen.

Diametral dazu erhalten die drei Bürogeschosse eine leichte und transparente Fassade mit linearen Fensterbändern, die die Charakteristik des runden Baukörpers unterstreicht. Die Gestalt des Atriums wird maßgeblich von der Freiform seines Oberlichts geprägt. Die Überdachung besteht aus einer filigranen Stahlkonstruktion, die als Deckung mehrlagige Folienkissen aus lichtdurchlässigem ETFE (Ethylen-Tetraflurethylen) erhält und damit das Gebäude mit großer Leichtigkeit zum Abschluss bringt.



CFEL Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Hamburg

  • Luruper Chaussee 149
  • 22761 Hamburg
  • Deutschland

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