At the Dresden College of Music we wanted to create a place which was undeniably a home for experimentations and exposure in dealing with music.
Nils Krause, Architect
With the extension for the Dresden College of Music Carl Maria von Weber an architectural ensemble, much more than just spaces for rehearsing and playing concerts, was established. On a confined plot in the heart of the city, and in correspondence with the existing school, the neoclassicist Wettiner Gymnasium, we developed an extension with a very distinct architectural character. Apart from 30 highly soundproof practice rooms, a library and a space for movement, there is also a rehearsal stage for the opera class and an acoustically high-demanding 450-seat concert hall. The different architectural attitudes of the two buildings, which are separated by an old, tree-lined courtyard, have created a clear-cut, exciting ensemble of old and new. An ensemble bestowing the college with a special identity and giving the music a contemporary architectural expression.